
This WP is dedicated to quality control and monitoring the project’s progress towards providing high quality training materials in the domain of IoT as well as properly equipping the Iranian HE staffs. The activities in this WP as well as the quality indicators and measurements are aligned with the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM). The activities, indicators and measurements are continuously monitored by the WP3 leaders and will be adjusted and adapted based on the course of the project and its progress. WP3 leaders will closely collaborate with the project coordinator in this regard. WP3 leaders and coordinators have extensive experience in quality monitoring of different projects, including EU-funded projects. The WP3 leaders will prepare qualitative, innovative and progressive assessment reports, which consider different qualitative aspects including innovation, material quality and contents, staff preparation as well as fulfilling the gaps identified with respect to fulfilling industry needs.

Moreover, in order to guarantee the quality of the project deliverable and results, the consortium has considered two External Evaluators to provide and deliver two independent Quality Evaluation Reports. One report will be prepared by a European evaluator and one will be done by an Iranian evaluator. Both evaluators will be selected based on their experiences and expertise. To benefit most from the evaluators’ expertise, the evaluators will be involved in major milestones of the project and will be in contact with WP3 leaders as well as the coordinator and their hints and remarks of will be considered in the project activities. The independent quality reports will be delivered to the EC by the end of the project.


The following tasks are foreseen:

  1. Setting up a project website and newsletter and providing project information, results and outcomes on it.
  2. Public awareness: informing news agencies, newspapers and setting up project accounts on social media and having them updated regularly.
  3. Dissemination to scientific communities and HEIs, which will be done through national/international workshops/conferences that project members will participate in.
  4. Dissemination to industries: this will be done through participation in local and international exhibitions as well as involvement of business stakeholders at the workshop and also involving keynotes from industries in the summer and winter schools.