The course development hackathons in D2.1 will result in the first version of courses. After the course hackathon, the first version will be further moved towards the final version of courses, which will emerge as a separate deliverable (D2.2).

This deliverable will be ready before the first summer school in partner countries (deliverable D2.4) and will be used there to prepare students, graduates and staff who will participate in that event and also in other planned summer/winter schools and mobility events in the frame of this project.

The materials developed in this deliverable will be initially prepared in English, but later translated to Persian and Arabic at the respective HEIs. The Persian version of the materials will be prepared by the Iranian partners and the Arabic version by the Iraqi members of the consortium. In this regard, SRU will lead the translation or co-elaboration activities among the Iranian and Iraqi and UW leads the translation by the Iraqi partners.

Leader: UPB

Contributors: USI, PTX, UPB, UMA, IAU, SBU, IBS, SCU, SU,UW